Carnelian Woods RAKE-OFF July 12, 2024

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Greetings Rakers,

It’s that time again when we gather to remove flammable debris and chat with other Carnelian Woods homeowners and friends!

Grab your hats and sunglasses, slather on some sunscreen and prepare to sweat and get dusty!

Friday, July 12th at 0900 (ish) at the Upper Units

Water, rakes and gloves provided. Pizza for lunch noonish on the deck at the Lodge with some of our neighbors from the Agate Bay Firewise group.

This is an annual event our association has been conducting for many, many years  We track our hours and the amount of debris removed as part of our Firewise renewal. And even better, we are reducing our risk of wildfire!

And for those of you who are truly inspired and want to do more (or can’t make the 12th of July and are eager to help), stop by the office to borrow some rakes and track your hours at the sign-up sheet at the office.


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