Carnelian Woods’ Firewise certification has again been renewed through the end of 2024. The Firewise certification means that our housing development has been inspected by the local fire authorities and found to meet guidelines to minimize wildfire risk. The certification can allow homeowners to obtain lower insurance premiums and is found on the Forestry Committee...Read More
Ignitions began Wednesday November 1st with minimal pile ignition Thursday morning. In total 23 of the 108 acres of piles were burned. The original intention was to continue burning full force on Thursday. Stagnant air and a weakening incoming storm system led to the decision to hold off on burning. Continuing to ignite would have...Read More
Unless something changes, North Tahoe Fire Department will be beginning the Carnelian Woods pile burning operation tomorrow, November 1st. The goal is to ignite 70 acres, beginning with CTC property along Sudan Drive and moving into Carnelian Woods Townhomes and Agate Bay Water Properties to the east of Carnelian Woods Ave. On November 2nd, depending...Read More
The burning of the slash piles from the fuel reduction work last summer will start next week, possibly as early as Monday, 10/30, but probably Tuesday, 10/31. It will be very smoky, so please do not report smoke. For information call 1 (530) 543-2816. See map and more information.Read More
July 24, 2023 We held the annual rake-off on June 30th. We had eight homeowners plus Don and we raked the unit 120–135 buildings plus a large portion of unit 136–142. We had lunch on the deck with the Agate Bay Firewise group and talked about issues of interest to both groups. Following the rake-off,...Read More
June 21, 2023 Greetings Rakers, It’s that time again when we gather to remove flammable debris and chat with other Carnelian Woods homeowners and friends! Grab your hats and sunglasses, slather on some sunscreen and prepare to sweat and get dusty! Friday, June 30th at 0900 (ish) at the Upper Units Water, rakes and gloves provided. Pizza...Read More
May 23, 2023 Diane Hopkinson I attended the Community Wildfire Preparedness Workshop. It was very well attended to learn about being prepared for wildfires. There were 13 speakers who informed the audience on their respective programs and responsibilities. A brief synopsis follows: Mike Vollmer, Executive Director of TCRP, spoke on learning to live in balance...Read More
April 29, 2023 Greetings! We are on a three-year schedule (per our CC&Rs, 5.3 (b)) to have our forest reviewed by our Professional Forester, Bruce Seybold, for the forest’s health and recommendations. I’ve contacted Bruce about this and we’ll set a date in the summer to walk with him around the forest and hear his...Read More