

Posts related to news of interest to owners.

Carnelian Woods’ Firewise certification has again been renewed through the end of 2025. The Firewise certification means that our housing development has been inspected by the local fire authorities and found to meet guidelines to minimize wildfire risk. The certification can allow homeowners to obtain lower insurance premiums and is found on the Forestry Committee...
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Ramon Manzano of North Tahoe Protection District re-inspect the failing areas of Carnelian Woods and cleared the STR permits for this year. There are areas on the north side of units 143 and the south side of unit 147 that have large fuel loads that need some separation and will be reinspected in the next...
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We currently have insurance through the California Fair Plan (CFP) to their allowed maximum amount of $20M. The premium is $76,609 per year, about what CW was previously paying to Farmers before CW was dropped. Our agent has recommended we budget for a 25% premium increase this next year (insurance renews April 1) and we...
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 9/13. Roofing repairs are completed! Roofers are awaiting a dumpster delivery to get the remainder of the debris removed off site. RMC is scheduling for the storage container and restroom to be picked up. RMC is awaiting plans on the balconies...
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 9/6. Last update was reported that the roofer would be taking a break, but they are going to stay on site for the next week to attempt to complete the remaining roofing. Once the roofer is complete the storage bin will...
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North Tahoe PUD plans to replace the water service laterals to Carnelian Woods–Units 33 to 46. Construction will begin after Labor Day and be substantially complete by October 15th with site clean-up work likely continuing until the end of October. The site is a very challenging area to dig, with a lot of rock, so they are...
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 8/30. Roofing crews are continuing with roofing. It is taking a little longer than expected. They plan to complete the bottom buildings by Wednesday next week, then move to the top section. The roofer will work through 9/7 and then have...
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 8/23. Roofer continuing and expects to be complete in just over a week.
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 8/16. Roofer continuing and expects to be complete in about two weeks.
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 8/9. Roofer returning to complete the remaining work on 8/12. They will address unit 52 leak first.
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Phone: (530) 546-5077
Fax: (530) 546-5017
Mail: P.O. Box 68
Carnelian Bay, CA 96140

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