

Posts related to news of interest to owners.

Carnelian Woods’ Firewise certification has again been renewed through the end of 2024. The Firewise certification means that our housing development has been inspected by the local fire authorities and found to meet guidelines to minimize wildfire risk. The certification can allow homeowners to obtain lower insurance premiums and is found on the Forestry Committee...
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RMC continues to make substantial progress on repairing siding on our units. Here is their update from Friday, November 17, 2023: Completed this week: Unit 49 – we were made aware that the wall was damaged in this unit. Upon inspection we removed the siding and drywall, straightened out the wall, insulated both sides, hung...
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RMC continues to make substantial progress on repairing siding on our units. Here is their update from Friday, November 10, 2023: Items completed this week: Siding repairs completed up to unit 120. Unit 42 chimney resealed and covered while waiting for permit. More on this below. Painter to begin painting 11/11. Roofer inspected the remaining...
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Fall maintenance time is here. The HOA is required to annually inspect several safety items with other items being optional. See the letter for more details. Dates are: General Inspection: November 14-17 Fire Extinguishers: November 21-22 Fireplaces: November 28-29 Ray in the office will contact you for scheduling. The costs of  inspections are now included in your dues. You...
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Thank you all for your patience as we work our way through the repairs from last winter. As you probably know, more than half of our 118 units were damaged by the storms. Carnelian Woods is working with Restoration Management Company (RMC) to repair the portion of our units that is the HOA’s responsibility (covered...
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On November 1, the kayak racks will be stored for the winter so they need to be emptied. If you have a kayak on the rack at that time, any lock on it will be cut and the kayak left on the ground. Please retrieve it ASAP.
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After an election by acclamation (3 board openings and 3 members running) at the annual meeting, there is now a new board of directors with mostly new executive committee:   Title Unit Term Don Adams  President 24 2024 Celia Barry Vice President 11 2025 Larry Nowels Secretary 139 2026 George Shaw Treasurer 36 2024 Perry...
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Homeowner Dues Change this Month Invoices for the annual dues have just been sent out. With the one-time assessment mentioned in the annual meeting packet, the dues this quarter are $2,576.00. If you are using auto-payments for your dues, please remember to adjust the amount for the October 1 dues. The payment is due October...
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Larry Nowels and Don Adams are Now On The Board Fran Swanson (2023) and Diane Hopkinson (2024, secretary) stepped down from the board and Larry Nowels (unit 139) and Don Adams (unit 24) have stepped up to fill those positions. Larry has taken on the new task as Parliamentarian. His job is to keep track...
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June 21, 2023 Greetings Rakers, It’s that time again when we gather to remove flammable debris and chat with other Carnelian Woods homeowners and friends! Grab your hats and sunglasses, slather on some sunscreen and prepare to sweat and get dusty! Friday, June 30th at 0900 (ish) at the Upper Units Water, rakes and gloves provided.  Pizza...
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Phone: (530) 546-5077
Fax: (530) 546-5017
Mail: P.O. Box 68
Carnelian Bay, CA 96140

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