

Posts related to news of interest to the owners and guests of Carnelian Woods.

NTFD pile burning operations went well January 29-31. We completed all 19.5 acres (around Carnelian Woods upper units), reaching our goal for the week and completing most of the work for this project. There are 11.3 acres of piles remaining on the 78-acre total project. Depending on the incoming storms we will attempt to burn...
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NTFD has some additional resources available and is planning to resume pile burning again on Monday and Tuesday before the storm arrives. The goal is between 10 and 19.5 acres in the western most part of the project area (around the upper units of Carnelian Woods). April Shackelford NTFD Forest Fuels Manager
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 1/26. Items completed this week: Roofing leak repairs completed at lodge, unit 124 & 36. Mitigation team removed cleanup equipment from 124 & 36 on 1/25. Items scheduled for next week: Drywall repairs in unit 124 scheduled for 1/31 and 2/1....
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NTFD is planning to resume pile burning on Thursday. We are setting a goal of 21 acres in the western most part of the project area (around the upper units of Carnelian Woods). Conditions are not the most favorable for quick ignitions, but we will have a full crew on Thursday and will give it...
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Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 1/19. RMC was finally able to reach the manufacturer of the metal roofing material. They said the product is made in Sacramento and made to order so there should be no problem meeting our needs when ready. RMC will have more...
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Homeowners have been contacting the office looking for where to get homeowner’s insurance when they have been non-renewed. While the HOA can’t make any specific recommendations, our website does allow comments on blog posts to allow homeowners to discuss and exchange information. If you’d like to ask or share information about homeowner’s insurance, feel free...
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NTFD is planning to resume pile burning on Thursday and Friday continuing at the top of the project area on Agate Bay Water Property. The goal is to burn about an acre of piles over the two day period. April Shackelford NTFD Forest Fuels Manager
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We finally heard from our Farmers agent about the nonrenewal, almost a month after we heard directly from Farmers. They also were unclear on what policies were nonrenewed. Not happy with that responsiveness, we’ve been pursuing new insurance with a new agent, Pacific Premiere Insurance. Our agent there, Brian Grant, is working hard to find...
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NTFD is planning to resume pile burning on Thursday and Friday. This time near the top of Agate Road on Agate Bay Water Property, and down near the creek to complete some acreage from last week’s pile burning. The goal is to burn about six acres of piles over the two day period. April Shackelford...
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The majority of piles in the middle unit (Unit 2) were burned over the last three days completing 21 total acres (approx. 280 piles). Atmospheric conditions were in our favor and smoke was very minimal to area residents. Approximately 1.2 acres remain and will be handled by our local Cal-Fire Engine Team. When a decent...
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Phone: (530) 546-5077
Fax: (530) 546-5017
Mail: P.O. Box 68
Carnelian Bay, CA 96140

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