A problem was found today with the 3″ gas line to the lodge and it needs immediate replacement. The gas has been shut off, so that means no heat to the lodge or the hot tubs. We are working to address this as quickly as we can and will give more information as soon as...Read More
Starting September 5, the pool is closed until about next Memorial Day, and the hot tub is open only Friday and Saturday until ski season. See the home or facility hours page for hours.Read More
Starting today, the pool and hot tub will be open 7 days a week until the end of the season, about Labor Day. See the home or facility hours page for hours.Read More
Larry Nowels and Don Adams are Now On The Board Fran Swanson (2023) and Diane Hopkinson (2024, secretary) stepped down from the board and Larry Nowels (unit 139) and Don Adams (unit 24) have stepped up to fill those positions. Larry has taken on the new task as Parliamentarian. His job is to keep track...Read More
June 21, 2023 Greetings Rakers, It’s that time again when we gather to remove flammable debris and chat with other Carnelian Woods homeowners and friends! Grab your hats and sunglasses, slather on some sunscreen and prepare to sweat and get dusty! Friday, June 30th at 0900 (ish) at the Upper Units Water, rakes and gloves provided. Pizza...Read More
The heavy snows this last winter has left a lot of snow to be removed or let melt to open the facilities for spring. Resource have been applied and the tennis/pickle ball courts are now open!Read More
Off-season hot tub hours will be expanded starting Memorial Day to Tuesday through Saturday. Carnelian Woods usually hires two seasonal, summer, staff members. After those hires are completed, hours for the hot tubs will expand to seven days per week. Read More
Due to the record-breaking winter this year, there are significant challenges for timely opening of the pool. We will do our best to keep you posted once we have a better idea of when our pool will be available. For more information, see below. The melting snowpack and its drainage causes a delay each year,...Read More
Record amounts of snowfall this year has literally buried our townhomes, many up past the first floor. Snow shedding from the metal roofs (they shed easily preventing structural issues from large snow loads) create deep piles around the units. The Carnelian Woods crew worked continuously to keep the paths, drives, and parking open and literally...Read More