NTPUD Construction Around Units 33-46

North Tahoe PUD plans to replace the water service laterals to Carnelian Woods–Units 33 to 46. Construction will begin after Labor Day and be substantially complete by October 15th with site clean-up work likely continuing until the end of October. The site is a very challenging area to dig, with a lot of rock, so they are anticipating a lot of handwork which will slow down the overall pace of construction.

During construction, you can expect the following:

  • Work is limited to Monday–Friday, 8am-6pm
  • Access to units will be maintained at all times.
  • Water will be shut off for one or two days during the project for a maximum of 8 hours.
  • NTPUD will provide a minimum of 48 hours advance notice (they try to provide at least 72 hours) of any shut-off.
  • Shut-offs will likely be much shorter. Last year water shutoffs were typically ~2 hours.
  • A portion (approximately 4 spaces) of the parking lot will be used for contractor staging (equipment and material). The remainder of the parking lot will be accessible throughout construction.

While there certainly will be impacts during construction, the office is working with the Contractor to limit the construction disturbance.

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