The larger crew was unable to make it up here from Auburn and productivity was limited. The local Cal-Fire engine was able to help out and we had some good consumption on several piles near the lodge, burning 1 of the 13 acres remaining on HOA property on Tuesday.
We burned a few more snow covered piles with the help of the local Cal-fire engine on Wednesday, but we still have about 11 acres to go on HOA property. The engine company will be on-site again on Thursday and Friday as we work to complete 1-2 acres off Silver Pine Drive. It is a marginal burn day, but we are authorized to move forward as smoke will be clearing out Friday/Saturday and we are only going for an acre.
Thursday & Thursday night could be a bit smoky.
The large area (pink single-slash) in the middle of the map will take place after the new year. If we get a lot of snow, it might not take place until next fall/winter, unfortunately. I’m working on securing some additional resources to help out, and the weather could be on our side, so help me to keep the hope alive. After the holidays we will work on getting the big crews up here from Auburn and getting this project complete.
April Shackelford, MS
NTFD Forest Fuels Manager