Slash Pile Burning Status, January 13

We were able to burn only about 11 of the about 38 acres we’d planned. We were able to tie in the smaller units near the end of Carnelian Woods Ave and burn relatively difficult piles down near the creek totaling 6 acres, and about 5 acres of piles were burned on the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) property near homes on Sudan Road. Towards the end of the week resources were reassigned to the devastating fires in Southern California. We wish everyone a safe and effective assignment.

There are 3.5 acres of piles remaining on private HOA property and about 23 on the CTC property near the Agate Bay neighborhood. We are checking in with additional resources and will advise if/when we can carry-on.

April Shackelford, MS
NTFD Forest Fuels Manager

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