Carnelian Woods’ Firewise certification has again been renewed through the end of 2025. The Firewise certification means that our housing development has been inspected by the local fire authorities and found to meet guidelines to minimize wildfire risk. The certification can allow homeowners to obtain lower insurance premiums and is found on the Forestry Committee...Read More
We are planning on December 16th and 17th to continue pile burning on the Carnelian Woods property. We plan on completing all 13 acres over these two days, but snow and moisture may cause delays. We do our best to minimize smoke impacts, but please be advised smoke may linger for a few days. With...Read More
We currently have insurance through the California Fair Plan (CFP) to their allowed maximum amount of $20M. The premium is $76,609 per year, about what CW was previously paying to Farmers before CW was dropped. Our agent has recommended we budget for a 25% premium increase this next year (insurance renews April 1) and we...Read More
Today at about 3:15pm there was a fire response plus deputies to a fire at the end of Sahara Drive near Pretoria Road, about 150 yards from Carnelian Woods unit 76. The fire was just off Carnelian Woods property and on California Tahoe Conservancy property. According to Brent Armstrong, Fire Marshal for North Tahoe Fire,...Read More
Linchpin Engineering staff will be on the Carnelian Woods property beginning this Thursday, May 2, at 9 AM, to conduct inspections of the balconies as required by California Civil Code 5551. There will likely be one or more additional days scheduled in the future to complete the project. The first inspections are required before January...Read More
The Sugar Pine Foundation will plant over 350 Sugar Pine seedlings on the “undeveloped lots” (top of Silver Pine, above the locked gates) area of the Carnelian Woods property on Thursday, May 9, 2024 between 10 am and 2pm (weather permitting). Volunteers from Carnelian Woods, Agate Bay, and neighboring areas are cordially invited to attend and help...Read More
Homeowners have been contacting the office looking for information on solutions to the issue of now needed an egress window in their lofts to claim it as a bedroom for short term rentals. Jack Venable, the Architecture Review Committee Chair who will process any applications for changes to your unit, spent much of his career...Read More
Carnelian Woods was finally able to obtain, at about the eleventh hour, fire/property insurance with the California FAIR plan (CFP), the insurer of last resort. We will not yet know the final cost and if they will cancel the insurance until they do a site visit, probably in May. CFP has our property as a...Read More
Pacific Premiere Insurance, out new agent, has found new insurance policies for us to cover the various auto and liability aspects of the HOA, but we are still waiting to hear on fire/property insurance. The difficulties in obtaining insurance involve the wildfire risk, percentage of short term rentals, claims history, and that repairs are underway....Read More
Effective today, March 1, 2024, Alpenhof Management Services, LLC. (AMS) has been awarded management responsibility for Carnelian Woods. Your management team will consist of Nicholas Saadi – Association Manager, Tom O’Neil – Accounting Manager, and Janessa Visnyei – on-site Office Manager. Contact information will remain the same: Carnelian Woods PO Box 68 Carnelian Bay, CA...Read More